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  1. Wash beaker with H2O and Alconox and dry with Kimwipe before use
  2. wipe gunk off with aluminum oxide powder, water and q-tip
  3. wipe gunk off with a q-tip soaked in ethanol
  4. Rinse 3 times with H2O(mq) and shake
  5. Add reagent grade 3.5M HNO3 to beaker and boil for an hour on the hotplate in the clean lab hood. Cool and discard 3.5M HNO3 into used nitric acid container
  6. Rinse 5 times with H2O(mq) and discard into used nitric acid container.
  7. Add ACS-grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to beaker and boil for an hour on the hotplate in the clean lab hood
  8. Cool and discard into used hydrogen peroxide container
  9. Rinse 5 times with H2O(mq) and discard into used hydrogen peroxide container.
  10. Cool, then rinse all parts in H2O(mq), followed by methanol and dry in the 70°C oven in the mass spec lab.
  11. Wash beaker with H2O and Alconox and dry with Kimwipe after use
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